A birth chart is a map of the sky at a given moment of time. Your personal birth chart is set for your time, date and place of birth, making it the map of the sky at the moment you arrived into the world. This moment is unique – no two birth charts are exactly alike.
My approach to reading the chart is broadly psychological – although very practical too, addressing real-life problems and dilemmas. I focus on what your chart reveals about your character and inner psychological dynamics because I believe that if we understand ourselves and our motivations at this deeper level, our self-awareness becomes the key to a happy, productive and fulfilled life. 
The birth chart is a map of symbols. Of its nature, a symbol gives us only symbolic and not concrete information. My chart readings are offered in this spirit. Symbols point to the underlying meaning of events and suggest how we might navigate the world to our advantage, but they cannot lead us to precise predictions of what will happen in the future. In this sense, astrology suggests that our engagement with life is participatory – we know where the planets will be at any given time, but the future is not yet concretely written and requires our active participation in its unfolding. Thus a consultation with me is a dialogue that moves between my reading of the symbols and your response and input into the session.
To calculate your birth chart, I will need your time, date and place of birth.
All readings are available online via Zoom.
Below are the types of chart readings that I offer
Chart Reading & Forecast
A reading of the patterns and dynamics of your personal birth chart and then looking at the forecasting for the upcoming year. We can focus on any area (or areas) of life you would like to explore, such as career and professional development, money matters, wellbeing, self-development, spiritual development, or romance and personal relationships.
90 minutes: £140 
A one-hour follow-up session within 3 months of the initial reading: £70
This is tailored for a couple wishing to explore their relationship together. We will look at each partner’s birth chart in turn, and then at the dynamics and potentials of the relationship itself. We can focus on any particular issues or problems you wish to bring. A synastry reading is helpful not only for romantic relationships, but also for professional or business partnerships.
120 minutes: £200
This is the art of finding the best time for a new venture. This might be choosing the optimum time for a marriage or personal event, or to launch a new business or organisation, or a promotional campaign. In addition to choosing a time which reflects the essence of whatever it is you wish to do or create, I use the birth charts of the person or partners involved, so that we arrive at the chart which is the very best possible fit.
90 minutes: £150
A reading of your personal birth chart which includes an exploration of your relationship to other parts of the world. This is the best option if you are thinking of travelling or moving to another location or another country and would like to explore the potentials and issues around that, whether you have a specific place in mind or need to find a location that best supports a new phase of life.
90 minutes: £140
Local Space Reading
The technique of Local Space maps your birth chart onto any space or place, thus revealing your hidden relationship to that place. Quite unconsciously, we arrange the environment around us to express our own psychology and that environment in turn has its impact on us. In this reading, we can look at any personal space such as your home, garden or office, to see how it has become a mirror of your character, where psychological blockages or current problems are reflected. Through conscious rearrangement of the space, we can maximise the areas connected to things like money, love or personal vitality.
Local Space is thus a kind of ‘astrological feng shui’ – a form of positive magic. I do not need to visit your property to carry out the work – we can do the session online. I will ask you to provide a detailed plan of your home or office and I will send you a copy of your birth chart configured as a Local Space chart and mapped onto the plan. The session will be spent looking first at your birth chart to explore your character and current situation. I will then use the Local Space chart to examine problems or issues in the way your space is currently arranged and show how to rearrange it to maximise the potential.
90 minutes: £200
Booking a Consultation
Email me using the form below to book a consultation.
Scheduling and cancellation policy
Payment must be made in full at least 48 hours in advance of the session. If I do not receive payment by 48 hours in advance, I will consider it free to book another client. Preparing for a reading takes time.
No refunds will be given for readings once the payment is made. We can however reschedule the session, as long as I am notified 48 hours before the scheduled appointment.
Payment methods
UK clients – via bank transfer.
Non-UK clients – via Wise or PayPal.
(If you do not have a Wise or PayPal account, I will send you an invoice with a click-through link to pay).
Everything you say in our session remains confidential between us. I never divulge the identity of my clients to anyone. We can make a recording of the session in Zoom, either for me to send to you via WeTransfer afterwards or to go direct and solely to your computer.
I do from time to time see a supervisor – this person is a qualified and experienced astrologer with psychotherapy training, with whom I discuss my own chart and transits as part of a process of self-reflection and professional development. During this process, I will speak in general terms about various aspects of my astrological work – however, I do not discuss any information which could identify a particular client.
I store all client details and chart data on a password-protected computer. For more details on data privacy, please read the Legal Notice.
To calculate your birth chart,
I will need your time, date and place of birth. 
GDPR Statement: by sending this form you consent to this website collecting your name,  email address and birth details. This form collects this information so that I can contact you
to confirm your booking and prepare for the session.
Please look at my legal notice for more details about how your information is used and stored.
© Carole Taylor Astrology 2024. All Rights Reserved.
